Macroeconomics Q4

Kenji Sato

Welcome to Macroeconomics (Q4)!

  • Name:
    • Kenji Sato
    • PLEASE DO NOT call me “Professor!”
    • “Kenji” or “Sato-san” are preferable. “Sato-sensei” is acceptable.
  • Fields of Interest:
    • Macroeconomic Dynamics
    • Economics of Innovation
    • Comparative Statics/Dynamics
  • For course mechanics, take a look at the handout.

Welcome to Macroeconomics (Q4)!

  • Office hours
  • Textbook
  • Schedule
  • Grading
  • Course websites

Welcome to Macroeconomics (Q4)!

  • Macroeconomics is a study of such aggregate economic evariables as …
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    • Growth Rate
    • Business Cycles
    • Unemployment Rate
    • Inflation Rate
    • Income Inequality

Welcome to Macroeconomics (Q4)!

  • In this course, you are going to study …
    • basic machinery of graduate-level macroeconomics;
    • how to code computer programs to compare theory with data;
    • theories on how GDP and growth rates move.
  • To learn how to solve growth models, you will need to learn
    • differential equations and difference equations, and
    • dynamic optimization.


  • Because of the limited time, this course will focus on a study of economic growth theory.
    • The foundation of modern macroeconomic research.
    • If we have time, we will move on to the study of innovation or business cycles.
    • No money, unemployment or inequality.

Call for Enrollment

  • You are highly recommended to take more advanced/applied courses together with this course.
    • Inequality and Macroeconomics by Professor Dr. Reto Föllmi, from January 26 to 31.
    • Please go to Kyoumu for enrollment!

Programing Languages

After taking Watkins's courses, I believe you are familiar with R programing language.

  • I will also use R when I show you data.
    • Highly recommended to type yourself to reproduce plots.
    • Building muscle memory is a necessary part of climbing up the learning curve.
  • Sometimes I will use Python for performing simulations.
    • Because I like Python.

Penn World Table, Ver. 8

  • Feenstra, Inklaar and Timmer (2015) “The next generation of the Penn World Table,” American Economic Review 105(10). 3150–82.
pwt8 = read.dta13("pwt90.dta")

Penn World Table, Ver. 8 (cont'd)

You can easily analyse the data with R + dplyr.

pwt8 %>% 
  filter(country == "Japan", year > 2010) %>% 
  mutate(rgdp_per_capita = rgdpo / pop) %>%
  select(year, rgdp_per_capita)
  year rgdp_per_capita
1 2011        34979.34
2 2012        35191.24
3 2013        35476.46
4 2014        35566.22

Unit: 2011US$

Note: With R it is difficult to see the descriptive labels that STATA variables have. Install gretl to work around.

Real GDP per capita: Data processing

We are interested in evolution of real GDP per person (per capita). Becase it is a nice statistic to measure the standard of living for a country.

Let's compare those of three countries since 1980.

rgdp <- pwt8 %>% 
  filter(countrycode %in% c("JPN","USA", "KOR"), 
         year > 1980) %>% 
  mutate(rgdp_pc = rgdpo / pop) %>%
  select(country, year, rgdp_pc) %>%

Real GDP per capita: Plotting

ggplot(rgdp, aes(x=year, y=rgdp_pc, color=country)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_line(aes(group=country))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

GDP Growth

When studying the growth rates, semi-log scale is helpful.

rgdp %>% ggplot(aes(x=year, y=rgdp_pc, color=country)) + geom_point() + 
         scale_y_log10() +  # Plot in semi-log scale
         geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Why log-scale?

\[ \begin{aligned} & \text{Gross annual growth rate from 2000 to 2010} \\ &= \left(\frac{GDP_{2010}}{GDP_{2000}}\right)^{1/10} \end{aligned} \]

And so, ….

\[ \begin{aligned} & \log (\text{Gross annual growth rate from 2000 to 2010}) \\ &= \frac{\log GDP_{2010} - \log GDP_{2000}}{2010 - 2000} \end{aligned} \]

The slopes of the lines you observed in the semi-log plot correspond to the growth rates of the countries.

Change in growth rates.

The growth rates change over time.

rgdp %>% ggplot(aes(x=year, y=rgdp_pc, color=country)) + geom_point() + 
         scale_y_log10() +  # Plot in semi-log scale
         geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE) + 
         geom_smooth(data=filter(rgdp, year > 1995), 
                     method="lm", se=FALSE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Observations and Questions

  • There is a growing trend in per capita GDP.
    • What drives the growth?
  • The US growth rate seems to be very stable.
    • What determines the growth rate?
    • Is the long-run stability of the growth rate common to all countries?
  • Korea experienced rapid growth recently but seems to be slowing down.
    • Is this a common feature? Will every rapidly growing country slow down its growth?
    • Or, will Korea accelerate the growth again?

Cross Country Differences

cross_country <- pwt8 %>% filter(year == 2014) %>% 
  mutate(rgdp_pc = rgdpo / pop) %>% 
  select(countrycode, rgdp_pc) %>%

ggplot(cross_country, aes(x=rgdp_pc)) + 
  geom_histogram() +  labs(x="GDP per Capita", y="Number of Countries") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7


  • There is variation in per capita income across economies.
    • What makes rich countries rich?
  • As we saw before, Korea is going to overtake Japan.
    • Why do the growth rates change over time?