2018 Q1 Macroeconomics (Kobe Univ.)

Course material

Date Slides Handouts
April 6 Day 01 A, B
April 10 Day 02 C
April 13 Day 03 D
April 17 Day 04 E
April 20 Day 05 F
April 24 Day 06 G, H
April 27 Day 07 I
May 1 Day 08 (Midterm Exam)
May 8 Day 09 J
May 11 Day 10 K
May 18 Day 11 L
May 22 Day 12 M
May 25 Day 13 N
May 29 Day 14 O
June 5 Day 15 (Final Exam)

The slides and handouts for 2017Q4 are available [here](https://www.kenjisato.jp/en/teaching/ma/2017q4/).


ID Suggested Deadline Description Invitation Link Solution
hw01 2018-04-13 18:00:00 Setup Get Invitation Not Provided
hw02 2018-04-20 18:00:00 PWT Get Invitation NA
hw03 2018-04-27 18:00:00 Euler Get Invitation NA
hw04 2018-05-11 18:00:00 Graph Get Invitation NA
hw05 2018-05-18 18:00:00 Final Get Invitation NA

All assignments must be submitted through GitHub. Always start an assignment with the “Get Invitation” link in the above portal site.

If you plan to use at a computer at the computer lab, you might want to know several techniques to install applications on the Mac on campus. See hw-portal/Wiki

Here is a series of notes concerning R, R Markdown and related stuff.